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What is RAMP

Team 303-RAMP (Robotics Alliance of Mentors and Parents) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization which includes parents of students on FIRST Team 303 and the mentors that volunteer their time assisting students learn and grow.


Team 303-RAMP supports the Team activities such as:

  • Working with students on fundraising

  • Providing financial support for many team activities

  • Providing travel support for mentors and chaperones for events

  • Providing food and drinks for the team during the build season

  • Supporting team marketing activities (i.e., give-aways, etc.)

  • Organizing concession stands for home events

  • Attending competitions to cheer on Team 303!

  • ​

Any parent or guardian of a current team member is eligible to join Team303- RAMP. Dues are only $50.00 per family/per year. Our goal this year is 100% membership, so please join us by submitting the RAMP Membership Form either by mail or at the next RAMP meeting.

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together.

Thanks for submitting!

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